Batch Releasing Print packages
This batch file is to be executed from the top level folder of a project. All the drawings in the folder and all sub-folders will be released per the steps defined in the Trail file.
- Start ProE
- Perform all the steps required to release a drawing (In our case we pull up the drawing and press one key to run a mapkey). (Note: It is simpler to type in the name of the drawing it be released instead of browsing for it).
- Exit ProE
- Edit the trail file with "notepad" or equivalent
- You want to find the place where you entered the name of the drawing. For example:
!trail file version No. 1255
!Pro/ENGINEER TM Wildfire (c) 1988-2002 by Wisdom Systems All Rights Reserved.
< 0 1.147259
~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `main_dlg_cur`
< 0 0.955000
~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `main_dlg_cur`
~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1` \
1 `File`
~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1`
~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `File.psh_open`
< 2 0.256000
~ Input `file_open` `Inputname` \
'sample_drawing.drw'- Copy this section to another text file (i.e. BatchRelease1.txt) and remove the "'sample_drawing.drw'" line and replace it with a blank line.
- Copy the remaining lines to another text file (i.e. BatchRelease2.txt).
- Place a "" file in the top folder that contains the lines:
search_path <Folder with your Library parts>
search_path <Folder with your Formats, etc>\Configs
search_path_file .\search.proNote: The "" files must contain paths to all required files. You can automatically create a "" in the current folder with all sub-folders by the command line "dir /a:d /b /s >".
- Now create a batch file:
path=%path%;<ProE load Point>\bin
dir /a:d /b /s >
md run_batch_release
for /r %%i in (*.drw.*) do (
echo. `%%~ni`>.\run_batch_release\%%~ni.txt
copy BatchRelease1.txt+.\run_batch_release\%%~ni.txt+BatchRelease2.txt .\run_batch_release\%%~ni
del .\run_batch_release\%%~ni.txt
echo Running ProE
for /r %CD%\run_batch_release %%i in (*.drw*) do (
move /y %%i %CD%\%%~ni.txt
echo. Processing %%~ni
call proe.bat %%~ni.txt -g:no_graphics pro_wait
if exist <Folder were your output files show up>\%%~ni*.* (
del %%~ni.txt
echo Successful
pause- Now execute your batch file from the top folder!
Note: I believe there is a better way to search and replace a string in a batch command but since this works I have not investigated it yet.